Goeie Dag
Trans Baviaans se “entries” het uitverkoop vir albei naweke vir “The Race” en “The Repeat”! Ons wil net baie dankie se vir julle ondersteuning!
Die eerste maand van die nuwe jaar het gekom en gegaan en moet julle al reeds begin dink aan oefening planne vir Trans Baviaans 2018.
Trans Talks
The Trans Talks are info evenings that we host along with local Bike Shops or event Sponsors to bring you more info about the event, help with your training plan and share some valuable tips!
Launch of Trans Ride Concept
The Trans Ride’s will be a more casual version of the Trans Talks, where we will go for a ride after work, encourage you to use your lights and have a casual Talk about the do’s and don’ts of the Trans Baviaans 24hr MTB Marathon afterwards. We are working on more venues throughout the country and will keep you posted as we get them off the ground.
Please make sure you RSVP for these dates
They are free but we need you to RSVP by clicking this link to email us.
Happy Riding
Team EcoBound